Privacy Policy

Tímavera ehf.
Kambasel 81
109 Reykjavík

Company ID: 4706170630
VAT number: 130696
+354 539 5118

Summary: Tímavera stores company name, ID number, emails, phone numbers, and contact names. Tímavera stores the following employee data: name (as provided by company), GPS locations (if enabled), phone number (if used for account set-up), in & out timestamps, and worklog text comments. In the rare event of website or app errors, diagnostic data such as IP addresses, device model, and operating system is automatically deleted after 90 days. Data is securely stored until deleted. Data is not shared. Two of the Tímavera owners have full access. Tímavera does not track or use cookies. You have the right to request, correct, erase, restrict, and transfer your data.

What data do we collect

Tímavera endeavours to keep as little personally identifiable information as we can. Companies are encouraged to create employee accounts by using a first name or nickname instead of a full name. We do not use tracking cookies or third-party analytics. All of the information we collect is below.

Company data

  • Account and company name
  • Company ID number
  • Emails and phone numbers for the company contacts
  • Company contact name

Employee data

  • Employee name as provided by the company
  • GPS locations, if permission is given
  • Phone number, if used for account set-up
  • Date & time stamps when clocking in & out
  • Time entry text and photo comments as provided by employees

Situational & Temporary data

  • If the Tímavera website or app crashes, we record diagnostic data of what went wrong so we can fix the problem. The diagnostic data may contain IP addresses, browser, mobile phone device information such as model and operating system version. Diagnostic data are automatically deleted after 90 days.

How we collect your data

Almost all company information is collected through the trial sign-up and subscription confirmation forms. We may add company contact names by looking up the provided phone number and company name.

Employee names and phone numbers are provided by the company account owner and are collected through the Tímavera dashboard website. Employee GPS (if permitted), timestamps, and time entry comments and photos are collected through the Tímavera app.

How we use your data

Tímavera uses the collected data to operate a time tracking service. We use company emails and phone numbers to reach out if needed. For example, to confirm or cancel subscriptions, confirm bookkeepers & accountants requests for invoices, and other necessary communication.

How long we store your data

Company and employee data are stored until deleted. Situational & Temporary data are automatically deleted after 14 - 90 days.

Who has access to your data

Besides third party processors that store our data, the only people with full access to Tímavera's data are the owners Jón Rúnar Helgason and Ólafur Magnússon.

Jón Hafdal Sigurðarson and Finnbogi Þorsteinsson are co-owners and can see notifications when companies sign up for a trial and confirm a subscription. These notifications show the account and company name, phone number, and email. They have no access to any other company or employee data.

Third party processors

  • Database & Servers: Amazon Web Services (AWS Ireland) stores all customer and employee data relating to Tímavera and sends all SMS.
  • Phone: Toky stores voicemails and a history of numbers calling our company phone number +354 539 5118.
  • Customer relationship management: OnePageCRM, Asana, Slack store a copy of company contact details.
  • Email communication: Google Workspace.
  • Logs & Error Reporting: Datadog, Sentry, Rollbar store temporary data, automatically deleted after 90 days.
  • Invoicing & Payment: Payday & Konto (before 2021) store company names, IDs, and emails.

Your privacy rights

You have the right to:

  • request copies of your personal data
  • correct any information you believe is inaccurate or incomplete
  • erase your personal data
  • restrict the processing of your personal data
  • object to processing of your personal data
  • transfer your personal data to you or another organisation

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our