Summary: Employees that are granted an extra permission can now manually add and edit time entries in the app.
To grant existing employees this new permission press the Edit button on the employee in the employees table, tick the permission and confirm.

The same checkmark is shown when creating new employees. The next step is for the employee to log out and back in again in the app for the new permission to take effect. In the app: Settings -> Sign Out -> Sign in!. After the employee clocks into a project new in/out time buttons become available (13:37 and hh:mm):

To change the start time press the left button above the project name which represents the in time. The app navigates to a screen to change the time. Erase the default time value and input the new time in a 24h format. After the last number has been selected the time is automatically updated and the app navigates to the previous screen. Demo video:
If needed the date button can also be pressed to select a different date. For example to add a time entry for yesterday or last week. To start out with the time must be input in a 24 hour format. A 12 hour am/pm input format is planned to be added later.